The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Democrats Feast on Noem’s Dog Story

“Leftists are a bit short on perspective. There are several sources providing the number of dogs euthanized by shelters, but here’s a common one: about 390,000 were put to death in 2023 — an average of 1,068 a day. A significant majority were healthy. Combining this number with other veterinary, owner, police, animal control, and predator killings, the number grows much larger. Indeed, shelters alone accounted for more than 4,000,000 animals put to death in 2023. It would be a waste of time to alert leftists of these facts — they neither listen nor seem capable of understanding and learning.” —Maryland

“This is absurd. Anyone who has owned a pet that has either become terminally ill or habitually dangerous to humans and needs to be ‘put to sleep’ certainly understands the mental anguish involved in that decision. Well-meaning, compassionate people will come to the difficult decision to spare the animal of a long, debilitating illness or the discomfort of continuous confinement. I wonder about the character of someone who would not spare the animal of extended discomfort or declining health or continuous confinement.” —Florida

“Mrs. Noem did the right thing putting the dog down. If it has bitten people and killed chickens it is supposed to protect, it will likely do so again. If it hadn’t killed the chickens, she could have had its teeth pulled, but even toothless, its jaws would have had the strength to break a chicken’s neck. Mr. Biden doesn’t care if his dogs harm others. Not a candidate for Pet Parent of the Year.” —Montana

“My brother had a dog that chewed on everything that would fit in his mouth. He couldn’t train the dog out of chewing inedible objects, and one day it swallowed shreds of an aluminum can. That was a miserable way to die. A dog that kills livestock and turns aggressive to humans is dangerous. It’s almost impossible to train such a dog out of that behavior. Nobody on a farm has the time, and nobody else in a small community wants to take such a dog.” —Minnesota

“You city slickers apparently do not understand the concept of a ‘working dog.’ Farmers who live in harsh environments depend on their livestock to survive. A dog that will not obey and kills livestock (yours and your neighbors) is just another mouth to feed. Once they get the taste of blood, they will continue to kill chickens. You will probably get sued by your neighbor. Put it down.” —North Carolina

“Democrats have no idea what life on a working ranch is like. AOC, their goddess, has an economics degree from Boston U. and has no knowledge of the fundamentals of economics. Chuck Schumer, the most powerful Jew in American government, can’t or won’t support the Jewish cause. Dems divide blacks from whites, rich from poor, white collar from blue collar, and men from women, except when it fits their current narrative. Dems should stay in their lane. Learn what it is you should be doing and don’t try to ‘teach’ those who are competent in their field.” —Nevada

Re: Old Man Tells Jokes at Praetorian Guard’s Dinner

“The mainstream media has been siding with Biden’s incompetence and failed leadership beginning with his dismal 2020 campaign and shifting into biased overdrive with his inauguration and bombastic first day in office. Seriously, there is no greater threat to the republic than a conceited, partisan press corps that refuses to report the complete truth and instead goes out of its way to mislead our nation and the rest of the world. Restored journalistic integrity is the key to safeguarding our republic.” —Florida

Re: ‘Screams Before Silence’

“The masses of ignorant college students expose the Democrat anti-Semitic propaganda that has/is being taught. Israel ceded the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in 2005. In 2006, the Palestinians elected Hamas to be in control of them and the Gaza Strip and started digging tunnels under their hospitals for the terrorists. Anyone that shouts ‘From the river to the sea’ is either stupid or a terrorist supporter, as it is a Hamas slogan that calls for the complete destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews.” —Georgia

Re: The First AI-Generated Hate Hoax?

“People who should be educated enough to know better are perfectly willing to make life-and-death determinations based on hearsay. We laugh at the Salem Witch Trials, but here we are, hundreds of years later, screaming for fire. With the additional situation we have of thousands of college kids calling for the extermination of Jews, I have very little faith that America will survive through my lifetime. The willingness to openly use the legal system as a political tool against deep state threats is the clincher.” —Nevada

Re: Navy Missiles and the Defense of Taiwan: Part 2

“Why bother to even think about an armed conflict with China when our commander-in-chief and his lame Department of Defense can’t even beat the Houthis? The Houthis, for goodness’ sake. Joe Biden is proud to state that there are good union jobs that don’t require a college education. Why doesn’t he get some of those workers to finish our border wall? Those who would allow terrorists to permeate our borders are as guilty as those who would do us harm. I refer, of course, to Democrats.” —Ohio

Re: Taylor Swift and Her Troubling Latest Album

“I liked her when she was country, but her switch to pop had me worried because everything she used to be is not who she is now. She may play a victim with her songs, but I’m also convinced the music industry switched her over — and not for the good.” —Illinois