The Patriot Post® · Speech-Squelching Woke Scottish Leader Resigns

By Emmy Griffin ·

Humza Yousaf, formerly the first minister and the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), resigned on Monday. Like his predecessor, Nicola Sturgeon, he became a victim of his own woke policies and was eventually eaten by his own.

According to The Daily Wire, Yousaf and his SNP aligned themselves with the ultra-left Green Party. As a result, “One policy platform became more wildly unhinged than the next — from chilling conversations around the family dinner table about gender; to forbidding parents from objecting to their child cross-dressing.”

Then, several chickens came home to roost for Yousaf.

First, he allowed a 2021 law known as the Hate Crime Act to come into effect on — no joke — April 1. This blatant violation of free speech and of the rights of women to protest men in their spaces sparked a flurry of protests. Scottish police were overrun with “hate crime” complaints, some even against Yousaf himself. Most famously, Scottish native J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, spoke out vehemently against the new law. In fact, she even dared the police to arrest her for stating the truth that men are not women. Yousaf’s passing of this law was a betrayal of the Scottish people.

Then, Yousaf allowed the Scottish National Health Service to follow England’s lead and put a ban on giving vulnerable and confused children puberty blockers. Puberty blockers are the gateway drug to the rabbit hole that is “transgender medical care,” which ultimately ends in gender mutilation. The Green Party saw this apathy to the transgender agenda as a betrayal of Yousaf’s political ideals.

The final nail in Yousaf’s coffin was telling his constituents that he would no longer pursue trying to slash carbon emissions by 75% by 2030. This was an unrealistic goal to begin with, as it was hiking energy prices to astronomical levels. However, this issue caused the Green Party to defect and call for a vote of no confidence.

Yousaf chose to resign instead of being unceremoniously ousted. In his resignation speech, he congratulated everyone on being so multicultural in their choosing of leadership and said he was proud to represent Scotland as a Scots Asian man. This is par for the course for a man who is most famous for a speech that is widely considered chock-full of anti-white racism. Yes, the intersectional coalition is alive and well in Scotland, too.

The Scottish National Party has to appoint a new first minister, and there is at least one candidate who is sane in that party. National Review’s Madeleine Kearns opines, “If the Scottish National Party had any sense, it would choose Kate Forbes, the party’s former finance secretary, as Yousaf’s successor since she is by far the most qualified and capable.” That is, however, unlikely; Forbes is a socially conservative Christian.

Though Scotland is the birthplace of Presbyterianism and the Scottish Enlightenment, its rich church roots have been replaced by secular progressivism. Here would be a good place to pose a question to the Scottish people: What have you got to lose? The past two secular progressive leaders have eradicated your country’s free speech rights and protections for women. Perhaps a conservative Christian is just the ticket needed to guide the Scots back to reality and normality.

As with all leadership turnovers, one can hope for the best and brace for the worst. Let’s pray for Scotland’s sake that a more sane leader takes the reins and helps curb the excesses of woke progressivism.