The Patriot Post® · Israeli Arrests Looming While U.S. Aids Hamas

By Thomas Gallatin ·

As Israel continues its war in Gaza, with a mission to rid the region of the Iran-backed jihadi terrorist organization Hamas, the international community seems to be pulling out all the stops to force the Jewish state into a permanent ceasefire.

The latest instance of this comes from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which Israeli officials are concerned will soon issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and other military leaders.

NBC News reports that the ICC explained it has “an ongoing independent investigation in relation to the Situation in the State of Palestine” but has “no further comment to make at this stage.” However, Israel’s leadership seems to think that action by the ICC is imminent, as Netanyahu reportedly asked Joe Biden over the weekend to prevent the ICC from issuing arrest warrants.

While neither Israel nor the U.S. recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICC, several European nations do. Therefore, these warrants could prove problematic for Israeli officials when traveling abroad.

Of course, as noted above, the aim of the ICC has everything to do with pressuring Israel into ending its war in Gaza before it wipes out Hamas. Despite the pressure, Netanyahu made it clear he has no intention of stopping until the threat of Hamas is eliminated. “Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defense,” he promised. “While the ICC will not affect Israel’s actions, it would set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and officials of all democracies fighting savage terrorism and wanton aggression.”

Meanwhile, Israel’s biggest ally, the U.S., has effectively been anything but a friend. With Biden worried about appeasing the anti-Israel radical elements within the Democrat Party, he and his administration have been given to offering equivocating support for Israel’s war against Hamas.

For example, with the passage of the recent aid package to Israel, over $9 billion of it is ostensibly directed to innocent Palestinians under the guise of “Migration and Refugee Assistance” and “International Disaster Assistance.” While that might sound good on paper, in reality, the vast majority of this humanitarian aid will go directly to Hamas. As Morton Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America, contends, “Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it is stolen by Hamas.”

“We are funding Hamas,” Klein pointedly notes. “Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this $9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?”

That is exactly what is happening since Hamas runs Gaza’s government. All these goods will be funneled to Hamas, which can then turn around and sell them to maintain cash flow to continue its fight against Israel.

The irony is that if Biden really wanted this war to end as quickly as possible, he would be doing everything to help Israel quickly bring an end to Hamas. While Israel is slowly but steadily eradicating Hamas, Biden is actually making the task harder and more time-consuming not just for Israel but also for those Palestinian civilians his administration claims to be so concerned with helping.