The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“We’ll certainly never forget the dark days of June 6 — January 6, excuse me.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lies

“[My mom] said: ‘Remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield, the neighborhood … and there was a black family moving in … and you got arrested standing on the porch with a black family? And they brought you back, the police?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, Mom, I remember that.’” —Joe Biden

“[In the 1970s] I got put in that 10 Most Eligible Bachelors list. … Women would send very salacious pictures, and I’d just give them to the Secret Service.” —Joe Biden (Senators aren’t afforded Secret Service.)


“Trump is coming for your health care and Social Security. We won’t let it happen.” —Joe Biden


“I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday. It would be nice to be with her, but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial.” —Donald Trump (The legal stupidity of the Stormy Daniels trial notwithstanding, you do know the underlying reason for why you’re there, right?)

From the “Guilty Until Proven Innocent” Files

“Will a Mountain of Evidence Be Enough to Convict Trump?” —The New York Times

Spin Doctor

“As a Ferguson activist, I know what it’s like to have agitators infiltrate our movement, manipulate the press, & fuel the suppression of dissent by public officials & law enforcement. We must reject these tactics to silence anti-war activists demanding divestment from genocide.” —Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO)


“The basic formula for fighting back against Hamas’ useful campus idiots is simple: suspend, expel, arrest, prosecute and, as appropriate, deport the abominable mini-jihadis.” —Josh Hammer

For the Record

“It doesn’t matter how corrupt Ukraine’s politicians are or whether Ukraine should or should not become a member of NATO. Two U.S. presidents guaranteed the country’s safety and protection if they gave up their nukes and we should honor that guarantee.” —Michael Reagan

“Just as Nazi Germany made a pact with Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union in 1939 and formed the Axis with Japan and Italy in 1940, America is faced now with a working alliance of revanchist dictatorial powers determined to alter the balance of power in their favor.” —Michael Barone

“The Iranian attack on Israel seems a historic blunder. It showed the world the impotence of an Iranian aerial assault at the very time it threatens to go nuclear. It revealed that an incompetent Iran may be as much a threat to itself as to its enemies. It opened up a new chapter in which its own soil, thanks to its attack on Israel, is no longer off limits to any Western power. Its failure to stop a much smaller Israel response, coupled with the overwhelming success of Israel and its allies in stopping a much larger Iranian attack, reminds the Iranian autocracy that its shrill rhetoric is designed to mask its impotence and to hide its own vulnerabilities from its enemies.” —Victor Davis Hanson

Re: The Left

“When the Supreme Court says, ‘No prayer in school,’ ‘Abortion on demand,’ and ‘Men can marry men,’ the left insists that we follow and respect the court. But when the court says, ‘Abortion isn’t in the Constitution’ or ‘Christians can’t be forced to violate their faith,’ those same people scream, ‘The Supreme Court is illegitimate! It should be ignored!’” —Gary Bauer

“If a company or industry produced a product that killed 100 million people, it’s safe to say there would be some blowback. Why should faculty be able to preach doctrines like collectivism, moral relativism or the nonexistence of truth without being called to account for the consequences?” —Laura Hollis

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